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Quality management (QM)

Quality management (QM)

What is Quality Management (QM)?

Quality Management (QM) encompasses all strategic and operational measures aimed at ensuring and continuously improving the quality of products and services. The goal of QM is to reliably meet customer requirements and increase customer satisfaction in the long term. QM systems, such as those described in the ISO 9001 standard, help companies standardize processes, achieve quality goals, and minimize risks.

How does Quality Management work?

Quality management is based on a systematic approach that includes planning, controlling, monitoring, and improving processes. It helps identify deviations from quality standards and implement corrective actions. A key principle of QM is the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), ensuring continuous improvements in all processes.


Quality Management (QM) is an indispensable tool for companies aiming to ensure consistent product and service quality and remain competitive. By using QM systems such as ISO 9001, companies can optimize processes, minimize risks, and increase customer satisfaction. Continuous improvement is at the heart of QM, ensuring long-term success and market leadership.

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