What is Poka Yoke?
Poka Yoke is an error prevention strategy that is used in production to reduce errors and increase process reliability.
Advantages of Poka Yoke:
Error prevention: detects and prevents errors in real time, significantly reducing the number of production errors.
Scrap minimization: Significantly reduces scrap, resulting in cost savings.
Reduced rework: Reduces the need for rework as products are manufactured correctly from the start.
Increased process reliability: Improves process reliability and ensures stable processes.
Useful in mass production: Particularly beneficial where small errors can lead to large losses.
Areas of application for Poka Yoke:
Automotive industry: Prevents assembly errors and ensures product quality.
Electronics production: Avoids errors when assembling printed circuit boards.
Consumer goods production: Ensures error-free products in large quantities.
Conclusion: Poka Yoke is an effective method for improving product quality, reducing errors and optimizing production processes, especially in mass production, in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs.